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Sammy Barbot
He came to Rome from France to play with his band, but their instruments were stolen and the gig was cancelled. Sammy decided to stay in Rome anyway and started to work as a dj, strangely he used to sing on the record he was playing. His voice and a good presence were very helpful at the beginning and compensated his lack of experience. In the 80s he met Paolo Micioni and they realized the cover of a song of the 70s ‘Music, Harmony and Rhythm’ and then a second single entitled ‘Groovy’.  
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Album correlations
'70 '80 VV. AA.
'70 '80
ascolta    acquista
Music, Harmony and Rhythm Sammy Barbot
Music, Harmony and Rhythm
ascolta    acquista
80's Hits VV. AA.
80's Hits
ascolta    acquista
Latina Collection VV. AA.
Latina Collection
ascolta    acquista
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