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Raynaud Fernand
Raynaud Fernand
Fernand Raynaud was a french humorist and actor. He was born in 1926 and he died in 1973. He was famous
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Gino Latilla
Gino Latilla
Gennaro "Gino" Latilla (Bari, November 7th, 1924) is an Italian singer. He took part to Festival di Sanremo in 1952 with three
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Marisa Colomber
Marisa Colomber
Marisa Colomber alias Marisa Colombara (Bologna, October 5th, 1928) was an Italian singer famous in the 50's. She won "Caravella d'oro"
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Peter Micioni
Peter Micioni
Pietro Micioni, popular dj until the 90's, who has not missed sellings and reviews during all house music period and succesful
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Francesco Galante
Francesco Galante
He was born at Rome in 1956. Studied under Giorgio Nottoli for his diploma in Electronic Music. He pursued his studies
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