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via Asiago, 10
VIA ASIAGO 10 is a new label created by the independent company Twilight Music together with Audioteca Radio... [more details]
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Night Confusion medley Toi et Moi
Night Confusion medley Toi et Moi
è uscito, per il solo mercato digitale, il nuovo singolo dal titolo “Toi et Moi” dell'artista Massimo Zuccaroli. Il progetto avviato anni fa, rivela un’ulteriore maturazione dell’artista. La sua produzione, che fino ad oggi ha dato vita ad un’ampia discografia con l’alias “Maximus” è ora proiettata verso una ricerca personalissima che
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78 Giri
  A little history learning: the radio fruition
78 Giri 78 giri is a new initiative edited by Twilight Music and realized thanks to the contribution of two great Italian archives, Discoteca di Stato - Museo dell'Audiovisivo and Audioteca Radio
A little history learning: the radio fruition Earlier with Uri and, since 1927 with Eiar, in Italy there is the first true public monopoly strongly based on the social role of what the Regime, even with
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La Passione Secondo Matteo Matteo Salvatore
La Passione Secondo Matteo
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Betraktaren Massimo Zuccaroli
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Vecchia America Teddy Reno
Vecchia America
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Volare - nel blu dipinto di blu Domenico Modugno
Volare - nel blu dipinto di ...
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Metropolhouse Vol.1 VV. AA.
Metropolhouse Vol.1
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Radio Show Domenico Modugno
Radio Show
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It's My World - Secret Absolute Pitch
It's My World - Secret
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Pianos in concert Various Artists
Pianos in concert
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Electronic Anatomy VV. AA.
Electronic Anatomy
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Colpi di Luna Various Artists
Colpi di Luna
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Music, Harmony and Rhythm Sammy Barbot
Music, Harmony and Rhythm
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Passione argentina VV. AA.
Passione argentina
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The Light from North Maximus and Felix
The Light from North
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Metropolhouse Vol. 2 VV. AA.
Metropolhouse Vol. 2
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LCE Le Confort Electronique
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Elettronica Italiana Vol. 2 VV. AA.
Elettronica Italiana Vol. 2
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The Legend Nunzio Rotondo
The Legend
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Via Veneto '60 VV. AA.
Via Veneto '60
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Warm Colours VV. AA.
Warm Colours
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La Radio di Alberto Sordi Alberto Sordi
La Radio di Alberto Sordi
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Somewhere Else Ensemble Ethnique
Somewhere Else
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Kolme Le Confort ...
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Friends Amii Stewart
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Tierkreis e dintorni Various Artist
Tierkreis e dintorni
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Maximus Remixes Maximus
Maximus Remixes
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'70 '80 VV. AA.
'70 '80
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Roma Concerto Vol. I - Le Serenate Alberto Laurenti e la ...
Roma Concerto Vol. I - Le ...
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Cocktail House Selection VV. AA.
Cocktail House Selection
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Long Train Running Traks
Long Train Running
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La Mafia e lo Stato Various Artists
La Mafia e lo Stato
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Jailed Brain VV. AA.
Jailed Brain
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Il Cofanetto di Via Asiago, 10 VV. AA.
Il Cofanetto di Via Asiago, 10
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La Coppa del Jazz Various Artists
La Coppa del Jazz
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Harp To Harps Giuliana De Donno
Harp To Harps
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My Wonderful Nicola Nicola Arigliano
My Wonderful Nicola
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Fratelli d'Italia Artisti Vari
Fratelli d'Italia
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Ritmando con la 013 Piero Piccioni
Ritmando con la 013
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Maximus Portrait Collection 1992-2001 Maximus
Maximus Portrait Collection ...
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Tatma project Tatma project
Tatma project
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Davide Renzi